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the inbetween

10 months until the race ! with that, here is a little update on fundraising: 10 months seems like so much time, and yet i feel like each month creeps up on me and somehow 2019 is about to end … Read more about the inbetween

all expectations

in the grand scheme of things, i expect a lot from God.  recently i have been thinking about my route and my team, and what it all entails. i really want things to be perfect and like i have … Read more about all expectations

a little update

so, my last blog post was about a month ago and a lot has happened in my life! i am here to give you a little update on every thing going on: school:  i started senior year!!! i have had a full … Read more about a little update

a joyful heart !!

it is currently 9 at night and i am restless, but for only good things ! i just finished my first day of senior year and it was pretty good i would say, i love my teachers and i'm excited for the … Read more about a joyful heart !!