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In my last blog titled “people and places” I introduced you to my team, Shathal. These are the girls I get to do life with on a daily basis. We sleep in the same room, share almost everything, go to ministry together, and more. Aside from these 5 gals, I also have a WHOLE squad of people who I do this thing with! There are 4 other teams that live with us and I want to introduce each of them to you. They all hold a special place in my heart and make the journey so worth it. 

Aside from the teams however, is our leadership! 

At the beginning of the race each team had an Alumni Team Leader, who have walked through this season of life before. They led the way for each team for the first 3 months, and then they left the field to continue on with what the Lord had in store for them. This transition left us with 3 leaders over the squad: Nicole Stepp, Jewel M, and Carter Groves. They each are a vital part of the race and their friendships mean so much to me. Let me tell you about em! ::

PS :: Mostly every blog I write is for my supporters and those who want a look into this thing called the race. I write so people can see and hear about what God is doing around the world. They are usually shorter and more appealing. THIS blog is different. This is for the people who have changed my life, and I simply want you to have a glimpse. So yeah, that’s why the word count is so high 🙂

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.” 

Matthew 25:23

Nicole Stepp // Virginia

One of my favorite people in this world. A friendship like no other!

Nicole was actually my team’s Alumni TL for the first 3 months of our race. The plan was for her to leave the field in December and go off to whatever was next, but God had something different. I remember when the squad was serving in DeRidder, Louisiana and Madie pulled us aside. Instead of remaining under the leadership of our male squad leader, Carter Groves, Shathal and another team would move under her leadership for the rest of our race. 


Nicole is the essence of true leadership. She walks every step with grace and truth in a beautiful dance. She holds discernment high in her heart, always being led by the Holy Spirit. 

She also just really loves dad jokes and dance moves and fighting for justice

Nicole values family. She always fights for family, even when it’s hard.

My favorite thing about Nicole is when she laughs. But not just the ordinary laugh at something random. I’m talking high-pitched scream kinda laugh. Those are the best 🙂


“The journey to squad leading for me was a little unconventional. I launched on my own gap year with the World Race in September ‘19, and about a month into my race the Lord put Alumni Team Leading on my heart. I thought that it was really odd that God put this on my heart, because at the time I didn’t see myself as a spiritual leader in any way, shape, or form. Around Month 4 I ended up talking to my squad mentor about it, and she said I should interview and go for it. After getting sent home Month 7 because of the pandemic, I interviewed, got accepted, and prepared to team lead for Gap D September-December of 2020.

From the moment I got accepted, I felt the Lord putting squad leading on my heart. No time frame, nothing specific, just asking me to have a “yes” in my spirit about it. Fast forward to November—a month and a half into team leading. I was supposed to go home in just over a month, I had plans to return to community college, I had a job on hold, and I had absolutely zero peace about any of it. Remembering the “yes” that had continually been on my heart for quite a few months now, I decided to talk to my mentor about what my options for squad leading looked like, either then or the next year. Two weeks after our conversation, she asked me to stay with Gap D for the whole nine months as a raised up squad leader.

Ever since my role as a team leader officially ended in December, I’ve had the joy of partnering with my co-leaders, Jewel and Carter, in leading the squad during our time in Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. The Lord has taught me so much through this process. He’s taught me about dependence; that in and of myself I am vastly inadequate for this Kingdom work, but that I am equipped because He says that I am. I get to ask him every single day to give me a greater capacity to serve, to disciple, for patience, and for love. Speaking of love, He’s taught me a lot about that too. About seeing people the way that He sees them. About listening to hear instead of listening to respond. He’s also drastically changed what I think about when I think of what a leader should look like. To put it simply, leading people means loving them. Loving enough to say the hard thing when Christ isn’t being represented to the fullest extent. Loving enough to give grace regardless of the circumstance. Spending time. Stewarding stories. Walking through the hard things. Dancing through the celebrations. Sometimes literally shoving people back towards Jesus.

It’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but also the most rewarding, and I couldn’t have asked for a better group of humans to love and lead. Cheers to five more weeks of this sweetest of seasons!”


“Nicole walks boldly in the authority of who she is as a child of the King, and she invites others to walk in this authority as well. She calls out what she sees that is of the Lord in others, but she is not afraid to say the hard things. She is discerning, wise, knows the Word SO well, and speaks truth into our squad. She’s an amazing leader, but even more than that, she’s an amazing friend. She is a safe space; conversation is easy with her, and pretty much every time we hang out we laugh until our sides hurt. I just love Nicole so much. I am beyond grateful to have her as my squad leader.”

Emma Austin // Team Stride

Carter Groves // Georgia (but it’s North Carolina in my book:) )

For the first 3 months of my race I had the honor of being under Carter’s leadership! I remember showing up day one, settling into the campsite, and already getting a glimpse at his humor. He led Shathal so dang well and always loved us to the fullest extent. Wouldn’t have wanted anyone else for the beginning of our race!

It turns out that having male leadership in my life is something I highly value. It was so needed in this season of my race as well, especially in the restoration of a healthy and biblical community. 


Carter Groves is my big brother! He gives the best hugs and always tells you as it is. No sugar coating, but always just enough grace. He asks good questions and never settles for a simple answer. You can ask him any question about scripture and he is ready to sit and talk for hours about it. Carter holds truth well. He holds stories well. 

Carter wants to spend time with you! He really does! He wants to understand your heart and thought process. He wants to hold the fun things and hard things. 

Carter sees people. 


“Hi, I’m Carter. I tell the best jokes and give the best hugs.

Wow, squad leading, it’s a thing alright. I think when Gretchen first approached me about this I did not want to write it because I would have to come to the realization that this season was almost over and try to find a way to describe it myself. Squad leading has been one of the sweetest times of my life and one that recently I have looked back and seen what a crazy (almost) 9 months we have had.

Squad leading is difficult, it is by far the hardest thing the Lord has asked me to step into. Because at its core it forces oneself to be completely obedient and dependent on the Lord. Yes that is the call we all are supposed to step into but to be honest, without the push to, most of us do not.

It has brought me to my knees, in weakness and in prayer, because to have stewardship of sons and daughters of the Most High King is not easy. But through my own brokenness and imperfections the Lord has brought so much healing to me and to those we have gotten to lead!

Day one of the Race we had worship that brought me chills. And that day God told me this squad was his. It made it so much easier to lead. Through baptisms, worship nights, hard conversations, ministry and other moments, I have seen these young men and women step into a level of boldness and authority in the Lord that humbles me!

I love this squad. I love everything about them. They are hilarious! Not as much as me but maybe one day they might think they are… They are a blessing beyond belief and have brought me more joy and more life than I could have ever hoped or prayed for! There is not enough room on this page to explain what they mean to me. I have been pushed and challenged in ways and have grown so much because of them.

I don’t think I could ever squad lead again because of them. They are by far the strongest, most determined, God-loving group of young men and women who I’ve had the privilege of being surrounded by. They are worshippers, teachers, healers, ministers, and most importantly children of a Father who loves them. And watching them realize and grow into that has been the best part of this “job”. If you can even call it that.”

“Carter holds a firm foundation in Jesus Christ, walking out all the Lord has given him to shepherd others on their own walks. He always seeks growth in himself and others, bearing the fruits of the spirit as he pursues God’s calling on his life.” 

Samson Densmore // Team Kenosis

Jewel Macauley // Maryland

Jewel was the squad leader over Agape, Align, and Stride for the first 3 months. As Nicole was raised up to squad lead alongside her, Stride transitioned alongside my team, Shathal! She has played a huge role in my walk with the Lord, as her words and actions have always led me closer to Jesus and His redemptive grace. She is a safe place for many and holds the hearts of this squad well. 


Jewely Girl! A gentle spirit that is full of intense power and might. She comes up under people and lifts them high, closer to the Lord where their lives will be changed. She will cheer you on in your deepest pain and celebrate with you on your best days. Her trust doesn’t waver and her heart continues to grow bigger for every person. 

Jewel is a daughter. A woman of true identity. She knows who she is and I’ll bet she knows exactly who you are… because the Lord told her!


“This seems like an impossible question to answer. An answer that doesn’t deserve just a paragraph. This season has been my greatest challenge and my greatest blessing. When I was asked to consider gap year squad leading I felt like something immediately lit up in me. When I was their age I didn’t choose the Lord. Looking back, I wish I had someone to be honest with me about the world and who God really is. That’s why for me, leading has looked like being vulnerable with my life. The W’s and the L’s. And always shining light to how the Lord’s word has come alive in my life in the way He moved.

It has also looked like the Lord stretching my capacity for things. To give love and receive it, for hard days, holding heavy stories, interceding for a large number of people, grace, fun and the ability to see a mess from miles away:) It’s pushed me to ask the Lord constantly what He desires me to do and say and not what is my instinct from my understanding. It looks like people coming up to me either hysterically crying or laughing at ANY time of the day eager to talk about it. And I just love it so much:) This is just such a pivotal time in someone’s life and I truly feel honored to be trusted by these people. And to be trusted by the Lord to be used by Him in their lives. To build friendships through leading is something I value and I’m so blessed by Gap D in this way. To say the least I’ll treasure this season for the rest of my life !”


“Jewel is truly one of a kind. She’s the type of person to tell you the hard thing but hold you while you cry it out. Her heart is full of compassion for every person she meets. If she notices something is off she seeks you out and wants to care for you. Her intentionality shines bright and can light up any darkness that is from the enemy. She is full of wisdom, she is the best, and SUCH a queen!” 

Hailey Smith // Team Agape 




Dear Gap D squad leaders

Thank you.

Thank you for your dedication and constant love.

Thank you for signing up for 9 months of living with kids who just left home and are trying to figure the thing out. 

Thank you for always saying yes to sticking by our side and being our biggest cheerleaders.

We love and appreciate you. We really do!

This race wouldn’t be the same without each of your friendships. I’ve received an abundance of healing and encouragement and grace from every conversation and day I have with y’all. 

Never question the power and authority you have for the kingdom. He is moving in your lives to change the world and the way people think/live. God is on the move through each of your steps. 

4 (ish) weeks ain’t got NOTHING on us!


PS: don’t forget to text me when you’re out doing the thing 😉


<3, Gretchen Jean



5 responses to “people and places // gap d squad leaders”

  1. GRETCHEN JEAN WATERS you already know I’m sobbing at this. thank you thank you thank you for allowing me to say the hard things, point you back to Jesus, and belly laugh through the whole thing. thank you for pointing ME back to Jesus and giving me grace when I messed up. can’t wait to be friends forever & ever!! te amo mucho

  2. wow i didn’t think it was possible to put into words how amazing these three people are, but you ding dang did it.

  3. Oh my oh my oh my. The world doesn’t deserve you Gretchen Jean. Ahhhh I love you so much. My heart bursts for you and this squad. I’m so honored by this blog. Thank you for touching my heart in this way! Blessed is the result of your presence!!!!!