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Thoughts & Inspiration

a few days ago one of our squad leaders brought up the idea of a prayer burn. 


many of us had never heard of one, or if we had, we’d never been a part of one in-person. 


a prayer burn is basically a period of time (12 hours, 24 hours, etc.) and every hour or so there are shifts of prayer. you can sign up for any time, and as many as you want. the point of this is to replicate times of war, battle, or just royalty when guards stood watch all night to ensure everyone’s safety. 


for our squad, this looked like signing up for a 45 minute slot anywhere between 10 PM (Oct. 2) and 7:45 AM (Oct. 3). we could sleep in our campsites until our time came, and then head back once you were done. and all night there were multiple people interceding, worshipping, reading scripture, etc. in the SMP (Squad Meeting Point). 


i woke up at 2:20 AM and headed up to the base to start prayer at 2:30 AM. i spent about an hour reading the word, praying for squadmates, playing guitar, and journaling. it was a really precious time of vulnerability with Jesus and prepping my heart for the time i actually signed up for — 3:15 AM. a few people signed up together and we came into an office to worship for about an hour or so. it was so beautiful to sit in the presence of one another, early in the morning, and call out to the Lord as one unified voice. at around 5:15 AM i headed back home (aka: my eno !) and slept for a few more hours until wake up time/breakfast. 


i really felt called to share this experience with you, because of how strong this community is! the willingness to give up an hour or more of sleep to come and pray for one another. the day before the burn started we wrote down a bunch of prayer requests and as each was prayed over, the request was circled. SO POWERFUL ! 


something the Lord really placed on my heart while worshipping in what I like to call “the upper room” (aka the little office we often hang our clothes in to dry) was the story of the woman at the well. in John 4 Jesus goes through Samaria and interacts with a Samaritan woman (not really a thing you would see a Jewish man doing in these times !!) and offers her living water. i read this scripture over the small group i was in and was reminded of the desperation God calls us into. every action of ours is meant to be a call to Him, and an act of worship. seeking after His face. and as i seek him, my life becomes a testimony to who He is, what He has done, and how He has changed my life. 


so yeah ! i wanted to share my early morning experience with you ! i encourage you to spend time in this scripture, and in prayer, see what he has to say !







i have some exciting news ! my squad is going to LOUISIANA ! from October 10-17 my squad will be serving with samaritan’s purse in DeQuincy! this is the first time we will be leaving base, and starting with hands-on ministry! please be in prayer over my team, squad, the work we will be participating in, and what the Lord has for us and the people we encounter! 


and as always, if you are looking for someone to partner with financially this month, i have some squadmates who are still fundraising! i would love to connect you with them, just reach out! 




2 responses to “i was up at 2 AM // squad prayer burn”

  1. Hey girl!
    I am excited for you. I hope you enjoy your trip to Louisiana. The Samaritan’s Purse is a great organization. You will be in our prayers and may God bless you!
    Remember that you are loved very much.
    Aunt Joyice and Uncle Coy

  2. Gretch! I am so proud of you and your willingness to stand with others so firmly in prayer and so joyously in worship. You are a force for the Kingdom and it’s a privilege to witness your journey!