
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


Every person (yes, every single one) has a calling on their life from God. 

First, we are called to the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20). To share the good news of the gospel and make disciples that will go on to make more disciples. In scripture you see specific callings for ALL God’s people. But even further, I believe God has crafted different and specific callings on each of His children’s lives. 

I also believe there are things we aren’t called to

In Exodus 31 the Lord introduces two people to Moses – Oholiab and Bezalel. These two men have a calling of craftsmanship on their lives, and will be used to build and organize all that is mentioned between chapters 25-30. There are altars, garments, carvings, gold pieces, and more, that have to be put together in honor of God. All these instructions and details have been spoken to Moses, but the responsibility is specifically placed with these two men. 

I found this interesting because i know that if I had been Moses, this whole time I would be assuming that it is my responsibility to get all this done, and I may have tried to do it on my own. 

But here’s the thing – Moses wasn’t called to craftsmanship.He was called to lead the people, and provide many needs. He also went to the Lord on behalf of so many people, many times. But just because he was equipped for these things, doesn’t mean he would be called to do it ALL. 

Moses got to watch as the Lord equipped two faithful men to fulfill a great need of the people – to be close, intimate, and aware of the presence of God. 

I sat and read this story, and its one that maybe we’d skip over, or wouldn’t really take time to meditate on, but this morning it resonated deep within my heart. 

I asked myself this question: 

What am i striving for that isn’t really mine? 

CONVICTION !! gosh darn it ! how often do I do this ! 

I assume that I’ve been called to do it all, when in reality the Lord has crafted and equipped me for something very specific, and possibly different than the person beside me.

We aren’t called to every ministry, job, country, people group, or place. and for me, that’s a hard pill to swallow – I’ve had to realize that every calling doesn’t belong to me. 

So this morning I had to sit and ask God about some specific things and whether or not I’d be ok with not being called to them. 

The beautiful part to this is that we all, with different callings, we can come together and make up the body of Christ. We wouldn’t be effective as believers if we were all called to craftsmanship !

“For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, ‘ Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,’ that would not make it any less a part of the body…God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.” – 1 Cor. 12:17-20

I think for me it’s easy to get caught up in comparison, wondering if my calling is as great as anothers, or seeking the importance of it in the Lord’s eyes. But in reality, each part of the body is important, and crucial, to the function as a whole

So maybe Moses wasn’t called to build this meeting place, but Oholiab and Bezalel weren’t equipped to hear and understand all the details delivered to Moses. Let’s seek after what God has called each of us to, and step boldly into what has been crafted specifically for each of us. 

Go out and be free !

Let Him craft and call you to something beautiful, simple, and wildly important for the kingdom !



ps: Leaving for ministry in louisiana at 6 AM TOMORROW ! Please be in prayer over travels, my team, the people we will encounter, and what the Lord has prepared!


4 responses to “it doesn’t really belong to me…”

  1. I really enjoyed reading this. I always have trouble trying to figure out what I am meant to do. We will be praying for you and your squad as you go on your trip tomorrow. I know that you will do some amazing things. May God bless you and keep you safe. Your SC family loves you very much.
    Aunt Joyice and Uncle Coy

  2. wow!! thank you so much for the encouragement and i’m glad the Lord spoke through these words!! appreciate you!

  3. Praying for your squad on your travels, and just wanted to say that I loved reading this! I shared it with the siblings of my racer, and I personally loved this reminder!! I really do sometimes think I need to be SuperMom like 24/7… I don’t… Ha! Praise the Lord!